18 LITES AND AN OLD CANOE - By: Chloe Herakovic - 23 years old. I love this poem!
Near shingled shack with dormers blue a tribute laid against the sod 18 lights and an old canoe
Thick weeds around the edges grew maple whispers the curtains prod from shingled shack with dormers blue
Music jackets; burnt butts a few midst clammy suits a sandal odd 18 lites and an old canoe
In violet hour fire's last breath drew grey minute mice their tiptoes trod and windows close their eyelids too
When secrets hush and sins accrue and virgin boys discover God far from stern eyes unasked undue looming against the gray taboo burdens of youth and logic's nod the shingled shack with dormers blue 18 lites and an old canoe.
(copyright protected by Chloe Herakovic)
Enjoyed by Diane - and others I'm certain.
Another Sunday morning the sun has shown its face Another sparrow's landed Another day's in place.
Do you rise and start the coffee Do you walk easily and with no pain? Do your eyes see so you can measure out the spoon-fuls Do you enjoy the sound of rain?
Can you smell the brew? Is your child dressing? Are you healthy too? Did you count that blessing?
Will you rejoice this day; will you do your best? Will you do something kind Will you pass the test? Will you, with your will and might Thank the chance to say 'good-night' again so when the coffee's there - steaming hot your memory's living when you are not!
Diane Stirling-Stevens April 6, 2008
Written while sipping my coffee and listening to our birds outside the window. Nevada
who've come from Mexico; Cuba, and are of different faiths. My own story about being engaged to a black man (and I'm white), as well as my memories of never noticing a person's color - being concerned with their faith if it was different from mine, is on this web-site. This beautiful 'bluebird of happiness' will take you there, if you'll just click him. The music is suited to my memories, and it features the voices and talent of those who were often 'mis-fits' by society's standards, but sheer genius in my opinion. Diane
I've created a music list of 100 seasonal melodies you might enjoy. I'll be adding family pictures as I take them this coming year of 2008 - celebrating the holiday again! Click these presents, and receive the gift of holiday songs from me to you. Diane
I'm also partial to Easter music all year round.
So of course I've made a musical blog for that as well. A few pictures now; more later... These beautiful eggs know the way to the site - click them, and enjoy. Diane
Once you've read the poetry (which I hope you enjoy),
please visit my page of those we remember; those we miss. Just click this burning candle, and you'll find pictures and words written about those we no longer have with us on earth. I hope the music gives you the same calm it gives me. Diane
My blogs are not updated daily; they are all about things that interest me and/or topics on which I feel competent to discuss and give out ideas and useful information.
Each blog has music; each blog has some type of tribute to either my family or to others who have web-sites that I link to for valuable information and insight.
My blogs are geared toward the positive - I keep negatives out of my life, and from the things I write on my blogs.
The I-net; it's that one little candle that reaches out and burns brightly for all of us. Diane - Nevada